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Praguer Ghassemlou

Dr. Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou : He might be gone, but his smile is still over Kurdistan like the sun, which drives the darkest clouds away were made by the worst person ever.

Ghassemlou: Black conscious of the European “critical dialogue” with Islamic Iran

Abdurrahman Ghassemlou was killed on the 13th of July 1989 in Vienna. He was a chairman of the Kurdish Democratic Party and a politician, who was fighting for the autonomy of the Kurdish regions in terms of the united democratic Iran.

Praguer Dr. Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou :

My friend, my teacher, my fellow fighter, who had such a difficult life, that almost nobody in Europe could imagine, a life which stories can be written about.

Pain, sorrow, persecution, injustice and his fight against all of it – and this has always been done with a smile in his face.

I got to know many leaders in my life, beginning with Willy Brandt and ending with Vaclav Havel. Sorrow, which was present in life of Dr Ghassemlou and which he was fighting, they would not be able to even imagine – as well as I could not imagine any of them going through all of it with his kind off sparkling hearty smile filled with hope, which always accompanied him.

Even though, his each and every step was followed by the officer of the Secret police (StB), or he was at the bloody battlefield of war with Iran, he always had his smile with him. And as I was privileged to know him in all those years, I am sure he was smiling at his hangman on the very same day 27 years ago.

His smile was the symbol of tenderheartedness, generosity, with love filled humanity of his nation.

He might be gone, but his smile is still over Kurdistan like the sun, which drives the darkest clouds away were made by the worst person ever.


Česká verze :

Autor: Yekta Uzunoglu | úterý 19.7.2016 15:43 | karma článku: 12,56 | přečteno: 334x
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Yekta Uzunoglu

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Yekta Uzunoglu

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Yekta Uzunoglu

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MUDr. Yekta Uzunoglu (kurdským jménem Yekta Geylanî, * 10. května 1953 Silvan, Turecko) je kurdský lékař a podnikatel s arménskými kořeny (mezi jeho předky byli turečtí Arméni, oběti Arménské genocidy na konci první světové války).[zdroj?] Mimo svých profesí se celoživotně angažuje jako kurdský aktivista (upozorňování na potlačování kurdské menšiny v Turecku, Íránu a Iráku), spisovatel a překladatel: Je například autorem překladů částí Bible a děl Karla Čapka do kurdštiny, a naopak kurdské poezie i prózy do češtiny a němčiny. V roce 2006 obdržel cenu Františka Kriegla.Od roku 1996 německé občanství.

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